Saturday, 31 December 2011


Endelig ble det et lite friminutt på meg også. Fikk fruen med til fjells for en rask sjekk av vårt lille krypinn. Etter en høst med flere stormer var vi spente på om alt var iorden. Selv om det bare var en overnatting var vi heldige med både flott solnedgang og fin morgenstund. Nå har jeg endelig fått bestilt ny pc også, for å gi det nye året en god digital start. Det er jo utrolig irriterende å sitte på en gammel treig pc med bilderedigering. Det nye jernet har cpu=i7 2600K m/ vannkjøl, ram=16G, 120G ssd + en rask disk, så dette tror jeg skal bli bra. Godt nytt år til alle.

After weeks with stormy weather and busy days at work, I managed to escape for a trip up into the mountains. The weather forecast was good and we had a beautiful cold afternoon with lots of snow and a golden sunset. The following morning was still nice but clouds starting to pick up. So we had to leave early cause we should celebrate new years eve with friends back home. Also got some time with my camera. As a start of the new year I have finally ordered a new pc. I have been using an old machine for too long so I figured, now is the time to invest in something better. So a i7 2600K with 16G ram and a 120G ssd will arrive shortly. Hopefully that will do the trick. Happy new year to all of you.
1/100sec, f=11, nikon 20-35/2.8, iso320

1/80sec, f=7.1, nikon 20-35/2.8, iso200

1/80sec, f=7.1, nikon 20-35/2.8, iso200

1/125sec, f=7.1, nikon 20-35/2.8, iso320

1/80sec, f=11, nikon 20-35/2.8, iso320

1/100sec, f=11, nikon 20-35/2.8, iso320